Rod Roberts This is day three since going public with the effort to see Representative Rod Roberts added to former Governor Terry Branstad’s GOP Gubernatorial ticket.  We have some more endorsements since yesterday’s update.

  • Tim Moran – Member – Iowa State Republican Central Planning Committee
  • Harold Massner – Chairperson – Des Moines County Republican Party
  • Don Lucas – Chairperson – Lee County Republican Party
  • Sue Dyer – Finance Chairperson – Lee County Republican Party
  • Jeff Gorball – Chairperson – Worth County Republican Party
  • Lanny Hustedt – Chairperson – Wright County Republican Party
  • Jackie Maddy – Chairperson – Monroe County Republican Party

People are lining up behind seeing Rod added to the ticket.  He would make an excellent, conservative Lt. Governor for the state of Iowa who is ready to be Governor if need be – which is an important qualification for a Lt. Governor.

Jeff Jorgensen, the guy who got this started, was interviewed by The Carroll Daily Times Herald (Rod Robert’s hometown paper).  They report:

“Time is short,” Jorgensen said, noting that Branstad is expected to announce  a decision within two weeks.

Jorgensen also delivered a letter making the Roberts pitch to Branstad.

“As you know, your choice for running mate will have a profound effect on the future of the Republican Party in Iowa,” reads the letter. “When you leave office this time as governor, it is our desire to see the Republican tradition carry on in the governor’s mansion. That is why we support, and encourage you to choose, State Representative Rod Roberts as your running mate for lieutenant governor.”

You can also have your voice heard if you think Representative Roberts should be Iowa’s next Lt. Governor.  You can sign the petition today and share it via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.


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