image Everybody was quivering with anticipation for Steve Deace’s interview with Bob Vander Plaats on WHO Radio, his first after the primary.  Sitting here at bloggers’ row at the State Convention two things are clear:

  1. He is definitely open to be added to the ticket.  He said in the interview that he if convention delegates felt compelled to nominate him that he would have to consider it.  He played coy about whether he was going to be at convention, but looking behind me I see him chatting up some folks.  Support for this move is questionable, especially since one of his key supporters, State Representative Kent Sorenson has endorsed the Lt. Governor nominee, State Senator Kim Reynolds.
  2. He also hasn’t closed the door to an independent run.  What I find amazing is that he and Deace trashed Rod Roberts for not dropping out of the race because they think he wasn’t in it to win it.  Not only did that lack class, but it is completely asinine to think that would have made a difference.  He said that he thougth 7 to 8 out of every 10 people who voted for Roberts would have voted for him.  Even if that was true, he still would have lost.  So, no Mr. Vander Plaats, Rod Roberts did not cost you the election.  The ironic thing here is that if he runs for Governor as an independent he would be doing the same thing that he accused Roberts of doing.  What chance would have have to win?  None, but he might ensure a Culver win.  I don’t see any chance of him pulling Democrats to vote for him, which he would need to do in order to win.  The 41% of primary voters that he garnered would not be enough to win.

So looking for some drama this afternoon.  I’ll be tweeting throughout the convention instead of doing a liveblog.  If you would like to follow me you can at @shanevanderhart.

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