Let [Truth] and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in free and open encounter? She needs no policies, nor strantegems, nor licensings to make her victorious…. Give her but room.” John Milton stated in Areopagatica.

The Disclose Act is not a campaign reform bill but rather an attack on free speech.  According to an HSLDA E-lert, the Senate will vote on S. 3295, sponsored by Senator Chuck Schumer (NY), tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday, July 27, 2010, in an attempt to overcome a filibuster and force a final vote.

This bill is an attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC.  “The Supreme Court decided that corporations and labor unions that want to spend money on campaigns to elect or defeat a candidate are protected in doing so by the Freedom of Speech Clause of the First Amendment.”

American citizens make up corporations and organizations, and the individual citizen’s right to free speech comes under attack in this Senate bill.  To quash an organization’s right to state opinions about candidates, effectively silences the individuals within the corporation and the right to think and speak freely about political concerns.

Congress must uphold the rights of all citizens, including those within a legal corporate organization.  It is the American way to debate, for in discussion and disagreement, great opinions are born.  The discourse that led to our founding documents were through the fire of passionate debate, resulting in the creation of a government that has always stood for protecting the people from the intrusion of government censorship.   This bill is another attempt to stifle the voices of individuals who support a candidate that speaks for them and represents their views.  S. 3295 will have a chilling effect on free speech and must not be passed.

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