Constitutional ban on oil drilling off the coast of Florida?

Is this truly what is best for Florida or best for Governor Charlie Crist’s political endeavors?  According to Crist, during an interview with  Shepard Smith on Studio B, Florida’s tourist industry will be hurt if a constitutional ban is not presented to the people of Florida.

“Offshore drilling is now banned by a Florida statute but could be changed by legislative action.  A constitutional ban would require voter approval before it could be reversed” according to the Associated Press. Because Florida already has a drilling ban,  a constitutional ban in the long run may actually hurt the state should drilling become a necessity in future decades.  Crist states that the constitutional ban is needed because legislatures could one day come in and change the law allowing for drilling.  However, the same argument can be made, that to create an inflexible constitutional ban could ultimately hurt Florida, should there ever be a greater need for oil and energy in the future.

Oil is on the fore front of American minds because of the Gulf Spill, but to be a knee jerk reactionary, proposing laws that hurt the ability of future generations to make decisions that will affect their lives and their state, is irresponsible. Playing on the emotion of the voters to pass legislation is poor politics, as emotions change with the wind and current events.  Wise leadership can see beyond today and reconcile it with the needs of future generations.

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