You may notice that I haven’t been very active blogging here at CT the last couple of days.  I’d like to thank David Shedlock and Mary Selby for making up for my slack.  What free time I’ve had the last couple of days has been spent working on a new project for CT, and it means less time for writing.  I’d like to unveil Caffeinated Theology as the 2nd member of the CaffeinatedThoughts.com family of blogs which I have a vision to see expand.  I’ve thought for some time that Caffeinated Thoughts was becoming too eclectic, I understand that some like that, but others do not.  It seemed some days we were mixing oil and water, and frankly on this blog the posts that were theological or biblical in nature were not getting their due in this context.

So Caffeinated Thoughts will be focusing on “stimulating musings on culture, current events and politics.”  Caffeinated Theology will focus on bring you our “caffeinated thoughts” on apologetics, the Church and theology.  Caffeinated Thoughts will still bring you content from an evangelical point of view just focusing on the topics that have seemed to be the center of attention here.  Caffeinated Theology content will come from a primarily Reformed/Evangelical Calvinist point of view.  Past “Caffeinated Faith” category posts will still be left in the archives, but there will not be any new content for that category here.  Be sure to subscribe to Caffeinated Theology’s feed and follow Caffeinated Theology on Facebook and Twitter as well.  (Don’t forget to subscribe to our feed if you haven’t already and “like us” on Facebook and follow us on Twitter as well.)

The third edition down the pipe will be a blog that will focus on Iowa politics and news.  It isn’t that we won’t write about Iowa politics here ever, but it will be focused on statewide races and news that has national implications.  Be looking for that down the pipe, and if you don’t mind I’d love to read your ideas for a name for this blog in the comments section.  It has to be connected to the whole coffee/caffeinated theme I’ve got going on here.  I would appreciate your suggestions.

So since we have an expansion I’d also like to encourage those of you who are interested in jumping into the world of blogging to contact me about becoming a contributor.  Also if you have an idea for another specialty blog to join this network let me know as well.

Also there will be additional advertising opportunities for campaigns, organizations, ministries, products, and companies, etc.  So please pass the word along.

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