
From the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s Online Store presenting the “Republicans Are Cry Babies” Onesie.

Now parents obviously have the right to turn their children into political ads if they see fit, but can we agree that this is over the top?  I can see positive message supporting your favorite candidate, something like “future Fred Head,” “Little Palinista,” or even “Obama’s Little Socialists” (just kidding).  I personally wouldn’t go there, but to each there own.

But do we really have to bring the negative stuff to baby or children’s clothing?  Think about what Republicans could put on theirs to slam Democrats like… yeah I’m not even going to go there, but you can if you like, provided your idea is not vulgar… so go for it.

Or just comment on whether or not you think this is a good or bad idea and if you’d let your kids wear such clothing.

HT: Amanda Carpenter

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