DEXTER, IA-Brenna Findley, Republican nominee for Attorney General, today successfully called on attorney general Tom Miller to return thousands of dollars in polluted campaign donations from the DeCosters.
However, Findley questioned why it took him only a matter of hours to return the donations, when he had five whole years to return them to begin with.
"Where there was smoke, there was fire, and Tom Miller felt the heat," said Findley. However, returning donations out of political expediency does not even begin to address the multitude of other scandals in which his office finds itself currently embroiled."
Findley released this Top Five list of things Miller needs to do to clean up his office:
1. Return the thousands of dollars in polluted money given by DeCoster. (RETURNED ON AUGUST 30, 2010)
2. Come clean on the actual cost to the taxpayers of the Film Office scandal and to let us know when we can expect a report on the pay for play scandal involving allegations of donations from casino interests to Culver. Culver’s campaign is being managed by one of Miller’s top employees who is on leave from the AG’s office. (STILL AWAITING ACCOUNTABILITY)
3. Explain why he refused to allow Governor Culver to fire Lynn Walding, former head of the Alcoholic Beverages Division, for mismanagement and whether he investigated the underlying allegations. State auditors have investigated the Alcoholic Beverages Division and found improper spending, including tens of thousands of dollars on artwork, leather chairs, bicycles, a camper and high-definition televisions, as well as other improprieties and mismanagement. Walding was formerly a top staffer to AG Miller.
4. Stop charging taxpayers and the media up to $40 an hour for access to public records. Miller supported allowing the Department on Aging to charge by the hour for access to emails that would shed light on the muzzling of the Ombudsman, even though taxpayers already pay the salaries of state government employees. (STILL DOUBLE BILLING TAXPAYERS)
5. Go to all 99 counties to listen to the concerns of everyday Iowans, like Findley is doing. (STILL HAVEN’T SEEN HIM)