(URBANDALE) – Governor Branstad 2010 campaign manager Jeff Boeyink offered the following response to Gov. Culver’s election-year address today to school administrators in Des Moines:
“Gov. Branstad’s goal is to again make Iowa’s education system the best in the country. In the coming weeks, we will be unveiling Terry Branstad’s education agenda and how his administration will achieve this ambitious goal.
“Governor Culver has failed to keep his many educational promises to teachers, students, and parents, and today again offered more of the same. He has failed teachers with his slashing of school budgets and the significant teacher layoffs that has caused across the state. He has failed school boards with a Race to the Top effort that didn’t bring a single dollar of additional resources for our schools but still shackles local districts with more regulations. And, Governor Culver has failed parents by signing legislation that means parents will be receiving less information about the performance of their children and their children’s school.
“Gov. Culver has broken too many of his educational promises to be trusted to get it right the next four years.”