imageUpdate 8/16/10: Apparently I confused Keith Halloran with Timothy Horrigan in the AP story I referenced.  It was Horrigan who had the “non-apology, apology”.  I apologize for the error, as I certainly did not want to criticize the wrong individual.  I am not entirely sure how I made this mistake because after re-reading the AP story it is pretty clear.  Regardless, of how it happened I had it wrong and I apologize to my readers and to Mr. Halloran.  I’m embarrassed by my carelessness with this post, and will strive to not let it happen again.  This post has been edited to reflect this change.

I’m following up on today’s earlier post regarding despicable comments made about Sarah Palin in response to former Senator Ted Steven’s (R-AK) death.  Keith Halloran, a Democratic activist and New Hampshire House Candidate posted on Facebook, “Just wish Sarah and Levy [sic] were on board.”  New Hampshire State Representative Timothy Halloran also posted on Facebook, “”a dead Palin wd [sic] be even more dangerous than a live one…she is all about her myth & if she was dead, she cldn’t [sic] commit any more gaffes.”

AP via Fox News reported on Horrigan’s “apology” today that was posted on his website:

I apologize to anyone who feels they need an apology from me. And anyone who feels the need to be angry at me is free to be angry at me. I made some mistakes, but I am not ashamed of who I am. I am not ashamed of anything which I am. Nothing anyone says to me is going to change the way I feel about myself — especially if you don’t know me.

When somebody says “I apologize to anyone who feels they need an apology from me” or “I apologize to anyone who was offended by my remarks,”  it’s not a real apology.  It’s a pathetic attempt to appease those who are angry, and only real regret is the grief they are taking.

I’m glad that Horrigan he has good self-esteem, but that isn’t the point.  The point is that type of behavior is unacceptable.  It’s amazing he’s so narcissistic that the “apology” is all about him and how he feels about himself.

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