image Ready to create jobs: Branstad will sign executive order requiring jobs-impact statement, would sunset all regulations affecting job creation

Branstad points to study blaming excessive government interference as hindrance to job creation and retention

(CRESTON) – During an afternoon news conference held at Southwestern Community College, former Gov. Terry Branstad today announced that if elected, he will sign an executive order requiring a “Small Business and Jobs Impact Statement” for any new administrative rule in Iowa. Branstad will also ask the Legislature to prepare this for any proposed legislation.

The new policy proposal is found here:

“According to U.S. News & World Report, Iowa is one of the worst states in the nation to start a business and excessive government interference is one of the key reasons why,” said Branstad. “Excessive government regulation frustrates the ability of Iowa to compete when attracting and maintaining businesses. Iowa employers support and will prosper with reasonable regulation.  However, when bureaucrats go too far our employers are at a competitive disadvantage to every other state that understands it is businesses, not government, that create long-term sustainable jobs.”

The Impact Statement shall include, but not be limited to: projections of how many small businesses will be affected by the law or proposed regulation, its impact on employment, and the effect on the cost of doing business in Iowa.

Additionally, Gov. Branstad will work with existing small business owners to conduct a thorough review of new and existing state agency regulations and Iowa laws that affect small business.

Branstad’s second proposal is a sunset of all state regulations affecting job creation and retention. His proposal will create a staggered four year rolling sunset of all state regulations affecting job creation and retention in the state.

“This change will drive a top to bottom review of our existing rules to find and eliminate redundancies, inefficiencies, and job killing bureaucracy,” said Branstad.

The campaign also released a summary of Gov. Branstad’s job proposals to date:

For more information on the Governor Branstad 2010 campaign, please visit

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