imageWatchmen Cinema will be releasing a documentary called The Child in November.  They describe what this documentary is about:

The Child is a documentary that explores the current state of parental rights in America. An unseen battle is developing between the rights of parents and the authority of the government to direct the upbringing and education of children. The stakes are high; the outcome of this struggle will affect countless future generations.

Little public attention has been given to the issue of parental rights. Few people understand what parental rights are, much less that they risk losing them. The Child will fill this void of unawareness by explaining the situation: What parental rights are, how they are being threatened, what the consequences will be, and what can be done to defend the rights of American parents to raise their children in liberty and peace.

Featured in the film are interviews with experts, leaders, and sadly, parents and children who have already experienced the pain and consequences of misguided government intervention in their family.

America is at a turning point. It is vitally important to the survival of our nation that American citizens realize how much they stand to gain or lose on this one issue alone. Because it is not just an issue – it is a battle for the future.

You can watch the trailer below:

I’m looking into what it will take to host a screening here in Des Moines, IA. You can contact to learn what it would take to do the same in your area.

I also encourage you to be sure to sign the petition for a Parental Rights Amendment as well.

Originally posted at The Innocence Blog

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