Ah the Iowa Democratic Party is up to it again.  Instead of debating real issues they send out flyers like what you see below.  This time the target is Ross Paustian, a farmer from Walcott, IA running for the Iowa House in House District 84.

Ross why do you hate our kids so much?  I mean how could you believe in local control of schools and actually believe parents should have a choice in where they send their kids to school regardless of their income level?

I’m curious as to why the Iowa Democratic Party thinks this is a bad thing because I know that some of the legislators within their own party would disagree.  I also wonder where Paustian’s opponent, Sheri Carnahan from Davenport stands.  She has not yet responded to an email I sent last week.

Paustian attack piece 2

Paustian attack piece 1
I know it’s amazing that some kids can actually receive a quality education somewhere other than in a public school, and that parents shouldn’t have to pay for their kids education twice (through taxes and tuition).  But by all means lets keep pouring money into a broken system.

Oh if anyone did more to increase class sizes look no further than Governor Chet Culver.  I’m sure his 10% across the board cut did absolutely nothing to impact class sizes and public school district budgets.

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