
I had an op/ed published at The Hill’s Congress Blog, I wanted to follow-up on my initial thoughts regarding House Republicans Pledge to America’s treatment of social issues:

Football season is upon us and as an Iowan; loving Hawkeye football is second only to farming*.  In the past several years we’ve had a tremendous defense, in particular a defensive line.  Last year Hawkeye fans were treated to several close games in which the defense allowed the team to prevail when the offense’s performance was less than stellar.

As much as any fan loves a great defensive game, if you don’t make it to the end zone, even if you have one of the best defenses in the NCAA, it is difficult to win.

In politics within the Republican Party there seems to be a desire to still only play defense when it concerns social conservative issues, as we can see with the House Republican leadership’s “Pledge to America.”

Be sure to read the whole thing.

*This was an edit made after I submitted it.  Had I been asked they would have been told that while I grew up in Iowa – I have never farmed or lived on a farm.  I don’t think it changes the message of my op/ed, but those who know me well will probably laugh when they read that.

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