Keith Green Album Cover: No Compormise
We Won't Bow Down!

The days are fast approaching and Iowans are going to the polls.  I endorse the plan to oust the incumbent justices who hold the odd notion that two men can get married to each other.  It is equivalent to believing children can bear their own parents.

But a few other judges ought to go as well.   Recently a district judge in Waterloo, Iowa struck down the decision of a local school board to have a dress code in its school district.

These are the kinds of decisions that cause the tea party movement to rise up against judicial encroachments upon the folks (as Bill O’Reilly calls us), and the freedom to make simple decisions for ourselves.  While I am no advocate for the supposed right of governments to operate schools, when such schools exist, they ought to be governed locally and not from Des Moines or Washington, DC.

As many others have pointed out, it is hypocritical for proponents of the fiat decision by judges to create new human and legal definitions, contrary to (God’s) natural law, to argue that using the retention decision is somehow too political.  Why did the legislature give us the right to vote out judges?   I ‘ve never heard any opponents of throwing the rascals out explain that.   When Justices such as Marsha Ternus go out in public to defend their decision, attack ministers and those who oppose their decisions, they have already made it political.

This is no time for compromise.   We will not bow down to tyrannical judges, legislatures, governors or even our own passions.  Don’t just say “no”, say “no, no, no” and then some on November 2nd.

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