imageThe obligatory 2011 predictions post.

  1. Jonathan Martin of POLITICO will actually cite named sources for his articles.
  2. Ron Paul will lead an actual offline poll.
  3. Chris Matthews will start getting thrills up his leg when Sarah Palin speaks, seeks medical attention.
  4. President Barack Obama’s teleprompter will malfunction and Michelle Obama will end up holding cue cards from the House Gallery during State of Union speech.
  5. Mitt Romney will have a hair out of place during the first Republican presidential debate.
  6. Dick Morris will suddenly embrace Iowa’s first in the nation status.
  7. Karl Rove will endorse Sarah Palin for President in 2012.
  8. MSNBC in order to improve ratings hire Sean Hannity away from Fox News and create a new show “Hannity and Olbermann.”
  9. Club for Growth endorses Mike Huckabee in his 2012 presidential bid.
  10. Members of Congress will vote to give themselves a pay cut.

I’m *sure* all of these will happen.  Bank on it.  What are your predictions?

Have a Happy New Year!

Update: Thanks to Don Suber for linking, he thinks 8 of these are a lock.  Also linked at the Cranky Hermit.

2nd Update: Also linked at Linkiest, thanks John!

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