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SPLC Pays $3.3 Million After Falsely Labeling Group “Anti-Muslim Extremists”

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) apologized to the Quilliam Foundation and its founder, Maajid Nawaz, for labeling them “anti-Islamic extremists” and agreed to pay $3.375 million.

CNN Threatens to Identify Anonymous Reddit User, The Internet Responds

CNN’s threat to release the identity of an anonymous Reddit user over an anti-CNN GIF he created that went viral due to President Trump has backfired.

Planned Parenthood Tells Women to “Google” Abortion Alternative Services

Live Action released a video showing pregnant women referred to Google by Planned Parenthood staff when they asked about alternative pregnancy services.

ISU Students Sign Petition to End Women’s Suffrage

On International Women’s Day several Iowa State University students unwittingly signed a petition calling for an end of a woman’s right to vote.