In a very recent article in Townhall Magazine (online), the Browns tell of their trip to Israel with Governor Mike Huckabee. They came away from the trip believing that he should be the next president of the United States. They cited his compassion, warmth of character and demeanor, and described him as unflappable. This is an important and early endorsement for the former Governor of Arkansas, should he decide to run.
Here is a short snippet of the article:
We have spent years of our lives observing politicians, seeing many attempt to treat those around them respect and equality, yet few reaching the ideal. Mike Huckabee achieved this feat with such natural grace it was truly a sight to behold. He chatted with equal energy and concern with the bus drivers and tour guides as he did with top government officials. With Mike Huckabee, what you see is what you get. There are no hidden agendas and none of the arrogance that usually accompanies political success.