Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain spoke at Congressman Steve King’s Conservative Principles PAC in Des Moines, IA.  He started off with an appeal to our founding documents.

“We don’t need to rewrite the Declaration of Independence, we don’t need to rewrite the Constitution.  We need to enforce the constitution.” Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness,  are what conservatives want to protect.

He said that liberals want to take away American’s liberties by over regulation, over taxation.  He said “we are an exceptional nation, and we want to keep it that way.”

Cain said are a nation of crises – we have a moral crisis, a national security crisis, we have an economic crisis, we have an entitlement spending crisis…. people want to say we have a spending crisis, but it is much bigger than that.  He said we have an energy crisis – “energy independence can happen if we get government out of the way.” He noted we have an immigration crisis – we don’t need another pathway to citizenship. “We need to empower the states to do what the federal government won’t do.”

The seventh crisis he said is a deficiency of leadership,. He said “leadership is about solving problems, not kicking the problems down the road.”

“We need new leadership in 2012, that’s why I’m here.”  Applause.  “I didn’t say I’m running, I just said that is why I’m here.”  Regarding leadership he said “if we focus on the right problems, do it the right way, with the right people” that things can turn around.

He  said that the audience needs to stay informed – that’s why we are here.  “Stupid people are running our country.”  “Notice I’m not trying to be politically correct, I just want to be correct.”  He talked about how people want to label him, so he thought he’d beat them to it… he labels himself an “American Black Conservative – an ABC.”  He said he has been called a racist for criticizing Obama citing how liberals have devolved in their discourse.

He also said that they need to stay inspired, he said his grandchildren inspire him which is why he is considering running for President.

“The Founding Fathers did their jobs.”  Cain noted, “We need to be the defending fathers.”

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