Now More Than Everā€¦Americans Need to Remember George Washington

Adam Graham: More than 200 years after his death, George Washington remains the gold standard for what American leadership ought to be and rarely is.

Two Spiritual Disciplines for Developing Leaders

Grace and faithfulness reflect Godā€™s character in ways that duty cannot. They are not automatic or intuitive, and may be developed in the life of any person.

Chris Christie Fails to Show Leadership on Marriage

Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) in his decision to withdraw his state’s appeal of a NJ court order to undefine marriage failed to demonstrate true leadership.

Pastors: A Lesson on Enthusiasm from Jim Harbaugh

Pastors, it’s easy to become discouraged in ministry, but let’s take a lesson from San Francisco 49ers head coach Jim Harbaugh in enthusiasm.

The South Carolina GOP Debate, The First of Many Interviews for a Leader

It’s back… the day of campaigning is upon us, with the kick…

Herman Cain in Des Moines Says We Are a Nation of Crises

Former Godfatherā€™s Pizza CEO Herman Cain spoke at Congressman Steve Kingā€™s Conservative…

Obama Exhibiting Female Leadership Qualities or Just Lacks Leadership Ability?

Kathleen Parker wrote an op/ed piece is The Washington Post called ā€œObama:…

Rod Roberts Interview Part III: Social Concerns

Recently I had the opportunity to talk at length with Representative Rod…

Rod Roberts Interview Part I: His Motivation & Agenda

Monday I had the opportunity to talk at length with Representative Rod…