The former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich spoke at the 11th Annual Spring Event at the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition at Point of Grace Church in Waukee, IA.

He said it is a good time to start a dialogue about America’s future.  He said we are at a crossroads that we can not hide from.  One of the central issues is “what kind of country to we want to leave our children and grandchildren.”  One turning point for Gingrich was the 9th Circuit Court’s decision that saying “One Nation Under God” in the pledge was unconstitutional.

He said even though Republicans have held the White House for 50% more time since 1952 we are still seeing the decline of our culture.  He said we must stand on truth, and that is foundational.  What are these truths.

We are created by God and endowed by our Creator certain inalienable rights.  God gives us our rights, not Government.  “We should all base our principles on a fundamental source of morality.”  There should be no distinction between social conservatives and economic conservatives because of that.

He gave Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) for his amendment defunding Planned Parenthood.  He said we should bring back the Mexico City Policy, conscience protection, etc.  He also said that we should advocate that Israel to have their capital as Jerusalem.

He called us back to a vision of American exceptionalism.  He received an enthusiastic applause when he was done.

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