(DES MOINES) – President Barack Obama today appointed Iowa Governor Terry E. Branstad as Co-Chairman of the Council of Governors.

The Council of Governors was established by the National Defense Authorization Act in 2008 to strengthen further partnership between the Federal and State governments as it pertains to national security. The council is balanced by political party and serves the nation as a whole. The governors serve two year terms and are appointed by the President. The President designates two members of different political affiliations to serve as co-chairs of the Council.

“I am both humbled and honored to have been named Co-Chairman of the Council of Governors by President Barack Obama,” said Branstad. “I look forward to working with the nine other governors on the board to provide feedback, suggestions and advice on matters of homeland security, National Guard and emergency response coordination.”

The Council of Governors, which had its first meeting today in conjunction with the National Governors Association, is a premier opportunity for governors to serve at a national level. Branstad will work with General Tim Orr on matters pertaining to the Council of Governors, weaving in Orr’s knowledge of Iowa’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management efforts.

“I am pleased to have the opportunity to work on finding solutions that enhance the security of our country,” Branstad said. “Iowa has the highest level of National Guard deployment since World War II, and I am pleased to have a seat at the table to advocate on their behalf.”

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