Little Miss Attila, who is no “right-wing fanatic” (unlike me), has a very good article up with lots of informative links for women who want to dress modestly. As she says, many of the modest attire rules don’t necessarily apply to real sportswear for activities such as marathoning. I’ll add swimming, cycling, gymnastics, surfing and many more athletic activities.*

As an old-school Evangelical/Fundamentalist Christian, I am all for dressing modestly — for women and men. (It may be my bias but I do believe the modesty thing is an issue for women much more than for men, but there are still modesty issues for men as well.) A modestly dressed woman can still be very pleasant to the eye without advertising too much.

Here’s where Little Miss Attila may or may not have an issue with me, but if so, I believe it will be due to a communication gap and not a philosophical difference of opinion. (Or I hope, anyway.) “Locks are meant to keep honest people honest.” A modestly dressed woman will help keep honest, responsible, appropriately behaved men honest, responsible and appropriately behaved. And may help keep dishonest, irresponsible, inappropriately behaved men from targeting her (as they look for targets). Is it the woman’s responsibility? Yes. But it’s also the man’s responsibility in how he acts.


*While an old-school Evangelical/Fundamentalist Christian, I still support women’s wrestling (the real stuff and not the tittilating stuff), women’s bodybuilding, women’s boxing (again, the real stuff), etc, which would also have attire for those activities that does not fit in the modest casual realm. The athletic activity attire is perfectly acceptable for the athletic activity but not for “clubbing.”

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