And the announcement goes viral among Pro-Lifers. The announcement came yesterday, from what I understand. By 4PM yesterday (I don’t know which time zone), the Flickr page was so filled with Pro-Life pics, it was reportedly amazing. As many as 11-to-1 Pro-Life. And a NARAL representative checked in on the page and immediately started purging the Pro-Life pics left and lefter. But he couldn’t keep up.

When I checked in on the NARAL Flickr page after midnight Central Time, I found over 39,000 pics, with a pro-abort pic being an extreme rarity. Today, around 8PM Central Time, there were only 2304 pics on the page. It is my understanding that NARAL ended their “just stick it up” process and started a “submit it and we decide” process. But screen-shots have already been grabbed, especially since it went viral on Pro-Life sites.

I myself grabbed 5 photos off their site before they purged it to write my article. Due to the schadenfreude in my original article and the very graphic nature of the photos, I’m not cross-posting the article here. But for those interested, here is the link. Remember, there is plenty of schadenfreude, which some may not enjoy, and there are five graphic photos regarding abortion on that link. Consider yourselves warned.

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