When I pointed out that Rick Perry and New Gingrich hold positions that include exceptions on abortion he said:
“If I find that to be true, if I find that your comments to be true, that will be part of the board’s calculations…. Let me cut to the chase. It is my position and the boards position is that life begins at conception…we don’t have exceptions on life… as an organization. So, If what you are telling me is true. Okay, I guarantee that this will go to the board…that will be brought to the board’s attention…that is most likely a disqualifier. We don’t fudge on this issue.” (Listen to the Audio)
After he was finished I said “I am going to hold you to it,”
Mr. Vander Plaats finished with “Alright, do that.”
Later on in the evening, I presented an article to Mr. Vander Plaats showing that Gingrich indeed is pro-choice. If you believe in exceptions, you are pro-choice; it is just that the number of babies you would choose to have killed is smaller than say Barack Obama.
After the film was over I had an opportunity to show Speaker Gingrich a picture of nine babies of various ages and ask him which one was a victim of rape and should be killed. Instead of using it as an opportunity to say he had changed his mind (in light of the claim that he believes life begins at conception),[1] he grimaced, ignored my questions, and walked away.
Since Gingrich is pro-choice and refused to sign the Family Leader Vow, I am certain Mr. Vander Plaats and the FAMiLY LEADER board will uphold the standard of no exceptions they have promised to the prolife people of Iowa. Thankfully, Mr. Gingrich (or Rick Perry) will not be endorsed by him or the Family Leader on Monday. This is great news for Rick Santorum or Michele Bachmann and a real opportunity to show Iowa really is a FAMILY LEADER and send a truly prolife candidate on to South Carolina, New Hampshire, and the rest of the country.
Picture by Dave Davidson – Prezography.com
[1] It should be noted that from the beginning the Family Leader has said “The signing of the pledge will be a requirement for any future endorsement by The FAMiLY LEADER. (Email sent out by Family Leader).
It is important also, I think, to point out how the two documents differ.
In his response, Gingrich doesn’t mention pornography, prostitution, human trafficking, women in combat, Sharia Law, or “robust childbearing and reproduction”, all mentioned in the Family Leader vow.