Looking back at my predictions for last year I actually did get a few right.

  • Ron Paul has lead actual offline polls.
  • Mitt Romney has had hair out-of-place, but I’m sure this is due to paying thousands to political consultants who said he’d fit in better.
  • I think Jonathan Martin of POLITICO actually has cited an occasional named source, and I’ve seen him talking to real people while out here in Iowa.

For 2012 I predict:

  1. President Barack Obama will become unemployed.
  2. South Carolina will not pick the New Hampshire Primary winner wiping that smug smile off of Jon Huntsman’s face (not that he’ll be the New Hampshire primary winner).
  3. Chris Matthews leg will permanently stop tingling after President Obama loses, seeks medical attention.
  4. President Obama will take at least two more vacations; the poor guy he works so hard!
  5. Gronstalling will continue in the Iowa Senate.
  6. Iowa Governor Terry Branstad will shave off his mustache grieving Branstache fans everywhere.
  7. The Des Moines Register will endorse Barack Obama for President (I know this one is hard to believe).
  8. Ron Paul will start editing his newsletters.
  9. The sweater vest will become the new fashion statement placing both Rick Santorum and Tim Albrecht on the cover of GQ.
  10. Michele Bachmann will be punctual for her own events.

Bonus: 2012 will not bring the end of the world.

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