AMES, IOWA – Iowa Congressman Tom Latham commended the U.S. Department of Transportation’s decision to award Iowa an emergency relief grant of $37,479,818 to repair roads damaged by historic flooding in 2011 along the Missouri River.

Congressman Latham, Chairman of the U.S. House Transportation/HUD Appropriations Subcommittee, announced the grant on Wednesday after Iowa officials filed a request for the emergency relief earlier in 2011. 

“Throughout the summer, I saw firsthand the flood damage in western and southwestern Iowa and spoke with the Iowans whose lives were disrupted by the disaster,” Congressman Latham said. “The flood dealt serious damage to the transportation infrastructure that is critical to the flow of commerce in western Iowa.  This emergency relief funding is absolutely necessary to help repair and rebuild these roads and highways and restore certainty to Iowa’s local economies.” 

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