Planned Parenthood of the Heartland’s client numbers are down, and yet the organization has increased its taxpayer funding in just one year by $500,000 in additional government grants.

According to PPH’s most recent annual report, ending in Fiscal Year June 2011, Iowa’s largest abortion provider netted $1.9 million in government grants.  That’s up from $1.4 million from Planned Parenthood’s Fiscal Year June 2010.

Apparently, PPH got half a million more to serve fewer clients.  The June 2011 annual report claims that PPH served 68,165 clients—that’s less than the “almost 73,000 clients” claimed in the June 2010 annual report.

This additional half a million dollars in government grants does not even include what PPH gets in taxpayer funding through Medicaid, which in past years has added over $4 million annually to Planned Parenthood’s operations in Iowa alone.  (PPH started leaving the Medicaid number out of their annual reports after 2008, but just to give you an idea, they went from $4.1 million in fiscal year 2007 to $4.7 million in fiscal year 2008.)

These numbers in 2010 and 2011 cover both Iowa and Nebraska.  But it is important to note that most of the business is in IowaIn these reports, Iowa has 18 Planned Parenthood locations compared to Nebraska’s 3 (2 in Omaha, 1 in Lincoln.)  The 2011 report does not reflect additional locations from recent mergers with PP of East Central Iowa (2 locations) and PP of Southeast Iowa (5 locations.)

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