The problem with Twitter is that it is easy to be snarky.  How substantive can you be with only 140 characters?  Iowa Democratic Party Chair, Sue Dvorsky, unfortunately can’t demonstrate the same amount of class as outgoing Iowa GOP State Chair Matt Strawn.

She tweeted tonight:

Color me impressed with the level of professionalism she exhibited tonight.  I understand partisan politics.  I understand that going after an opponent’s positions.  This is a type of tweet that I’d expect from a twenty-somthing (if they knew who Steve Martin is), not the chair of the Iowa Democratic Party.  Maybe we should give her the benefit of the doubt; perhaps Zach Edwards hijacked her Twitter account.

It’s important that party leadership, elected officials, and candidates don’t stoop to making asinine remarks like this – regardless of what party they represent.  They should know better and seek to set a better example.

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