marklevinMark Levin hit the nail on the head about the asinine rumblings about rallying around Mitt Romney because Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) endorsed him or Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) or because he’s deemed the “most electable.”  He said on his show.

It’s very painful sometimes to hear individuals who have almost no experience in the primary process, basically burping out the usual mantra ‘we all have to rally behind this one or that one’. It’s very painful to watch all these politicians – even some who are conservatives, don’t get me wrong, but they’re politicians nonetheless – that we all have to rally around, rally around…

Let me tell you something. We have to rally around the Constitution. We have to rally around our children and grandchildren. We have to rally around principles, tried and true principles based on human experience. This isn’t about rallying around some politician. It’s about fighting for our country, taking our country back. This is the process.

But to hear some of these numbskulls who think they’re so smart tell us “yeah there’ve been some people out there who’ve really divided us“. Well then I guess we shouldn’t have a primary! I guess we shouldn’t look at anybody’s record! I guess we should just say ‘John McCain you’re it, Bob Dole you’re it, another Bush you’re it, eh Romney you’re it, this one’s it‘, why do we go through the process? In other words that’s just about as stupid as you can to get to make comments like that.

So true!  Primaries aren’t coronations.  Primaries are to vet candidates according to our principles, not the establishment’s “pragmatism.”

HT: The Right Scoop

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