The Etch A Sketch candidate, Mitt Romney, responds to the stupidest remark a staffer could ever make by saying to the media that "he’s running as a conservative Republican." How will you govern though???
He went on to say "I was a conservative Republican Governor." Oh, that’s how he’ll govern. He and I have a completely different idea as to what it means to be a "conservative Republican Governor." It means first off that you actually do conservative things, not just give lip service to it.
But hey we’re just a bunch a sheep right? Apparently he has it in the bag since the state who also elected two Governors who are sitting in prison said so (they must have a thing for dishonest politicians)… Mitt says he’s (severely) conservative so just believe it. Don’t think, just vote. You know he’s the person who is the *most electable* too.
HT: Daniel Foster
Update: Jennifer Rubin wrote an unbelievable piece of crap spin saying this was a non-gaffe gaffe. C’mon Jennifer is that lawyer speak? I expect better writing out of you, especially like when you linked to me and said I made a good point. That was brilliant.