mitt-romney-puerto-ricoIn a conference call with bloggers yesterday Rick Santorum criticized Mitt Romney as being the “etch a sketch” candidate on Obamacare having advocated for a national mandate in 2009 and now saying he’s against it.  He said Romney is “uniquely disqualified” to take on President Obama on health care reform because Romney’s plan in Massachusetts served as a model for Obamacare and because he still defends it today.

He said that Obamacare, like Romneycare, will bring about a standardization of care.  He noted that’s not a bad thing in some circumstances when the illness is well known and there is an accepted protocol for treatment, but not for diseases such as Lyme Disease when so much is not known.  He believes that health care should be market-driven and not dictated by the state.

Santorum then said that Mitt Romney while campaigning in Puerto Rico hit the reset button.  While Rick Santorum when asked said that Puerto Rico should recognize English as an official language upon acceptance as a state knowing it would be unpopular, he noted that Mitt Romney gave a different answer.  Santorum said Romney told the Puerto Rican Republicans that he had no problem accepting Puerto Rico as a state without accepting English as an official language, but when he was Governor he opposed bilingual education in Massachusetts.  Santorum said, “I don’t say one thing in the states and then another in our territories” claiming that Romney would say anything in order to win delegates.

You can listen to audio of the conference call here or in the player above.

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