As a follower of Christ I believe that all people are made in the image of God.  I also believe that there is no such thing as a throwaway person.  New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is spot on in his remarks at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire about drug addiction.

Obviously this isn’t about enabling drug abusers, rather treating those who are afflicted with dignity as we give them a hand up. Ultimately they have to want help.  Nonetheless, I agree that those of us who are pro-life should have a different attitude.

I would also say that those who are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction is that Jesus loves them very much.  He died for them.  He didn’t wait for them to get clean and sober, but instead “while (they) were yet sinners Christ died for them,” (Romans 5:8).

The Gospel can transform by cleaning them on the inside out (that’s not to say they won’t need treatment and support).

I also agree with Governor Christie, there but by the grace of God go I.  That could have easily been me headed that direction earlier in life.

Well said.

Disclosure: I have endorsed Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.

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