Sheets is seeking the Republican nomination in the new House district that includes Appanoose, Monroe and portions of western Wapello and eastern Mahaska counties. Sheets submitted 363 signatures Tuesday to Secretary of State’s office.
House Democrats’ walkout Wednesday at the Statehouse demonstrates the need for new candidates who will work for the people and be true citizen legislators, not politicians bowing to party leadership, Sheets said.
“A politician focuses on the next election, while a citizen legislator thinks about the next generation,” Sheets said. “Faced with a hard decision, a politician sticks his finger in the air; a citizen legislator prefers to put his knees on the floor. Politicians think that the seat they occupy is theirs; citizen legislators know that it’s on loan from its proper owner – the people.”
Getting Iowans back to work is important, said Sheets, who worked as an engineer at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Rockwell International and Teltrend. However, the community-minded Sheets said he is also concerned that Iowan’s freedoms and families are under attack.
“We must reverse the unemployment trend in southern Iowa,” Sheets said. “Unemployment and the economy are not the only problem facing our neighbors. The liberties I had in my youth have been slowly usurped by an encroaching government. I will work hard to stand up for the traditional family, smaller government, our Second Amendment rights, opportunities for our farmers and business owners and for the sanctity of human life.”
Sheets has demonstrated his leadership skills on the Moulton-Udell School Board, Moulton Economic Development Association, Judson University President’s Advisory Board and Hope Pregnancy Center Board.
“I have spent my life working through difficult situations and making hard decisions,” Sheets said. “I am not running for office to win a seat, but to take a stand.”
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