us_chamber_of_commerce_0Washington, DC – Congressman Steve King received the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s endorsement this week. In the letter announcing the endorsement, Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the Chamber, wrote, “On behalf of the world’s largest business federation representing interest of more than three million businesses and organization of every size, sector, and region, I am pleased to inform you that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors has endorsed your candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives.”

Donohue goes on to say the Chamber’s goal is to elect a pro-business majority in Congress. “Your record of support on pro-business issues earned this endorsement,” he stated. “We believe your re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives will help produce sustained economic growth, help create more jobs, and get our country back on track.”

Congressman Steve King, a member of the U.S. House Agriculture and Small Business Committees, and founder of King Construction, has long been a champion of pro-growth economic policies. “Businesses in the United States need a smaller, more efficient government to create an environment for opportunity,” King remarked. “I am pleased to receive the Chamber’s endorsement and will continue to work for our shared priorities of jobs, economic growth, and prosperity.”

King started his company, King Construction, with one bulldozer and the drive to succeed. As a business owner, he dealt with dozens of government agencies claiming his time, energy, and money. “We need to free business owners from unnecessary regulation and allow them to do what they do best,” King stated. “I know what they are going through because I have lived it, too.”

King is seeking re-election to Congress in Iowa’s new 4th District. He is also a member of the House Judiciary Committee and chair of the Conservative Opportunity Society. King was born and raised in the new 4th District where he resides with his wife, Marilyn, as do their three sons and their families.

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