TSA-ChildJim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit recorded the video above at the Madison, WI airport.  A contributor or a reader of his blog named Andrea Ryan made the following point that I thought was interesting.

Not specific to this incident… 1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of sexual violence in her lifetime.  And the statistic is higher when considering the number of women who do not come forward.  Rape-Related Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is a legitimate diagnosis, and among the symptoms is “re-experiencing the trauma”.  The TSA’s groping of passengers’ genitals is a complete violation of our dignity and personhood, and must be so much worse for those healing from previous traumatic experiences.  This is criminal.

Hoft notes that Israel, who has a 100% security success rate at their airports, do not treat their travelers this way.  So what’s the point?  The Washington, D.C. CBS affiliate made the following observation in their report of the incident:

TSA agents have been under fire recently over the aggressive manner in which they conduct their searches on members of the general public.

Agents have been accused of patting down a 3-year-old boy who was in a wheelchair and also making a 95-year-old woman stricken with cancer remove her adult diaper.

Tabitha Hale last November described her humiliating experience of being pat down by the TSA.  Then you have their nonsensical pat downs of children.  It’s time to disband the Transportation Security Agency or at the very least ban the random pat downs.  They’re out of control.

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