A Gallup Poll released yesterday showed that now only 41% of Americans consider themselves “pro-choice.”  I would suspect that if you applied the label that is truly accurate – “pro-abortion” there would be fewer yet… since only 38% find abortion morally acceptable, 51% say it is morally wrong.  I say that is the truly accurate label because if you were to look at Planned Parenthood’s own annual report, for instance, you’d see a huge disparity between abortion and adoption referrals.  They are in the abortion business period. 

But I digress.  Fewer Democrats consider themselves “pro-choice” – 58%, while 34% consider themselves pro-life.  There is still a disparity however with putting this personal view into political action.  51% still believes abortion should be legal in certain circumstances, and Gallup didn’t define what those circumstances may be.  Gallup says that they will be looking at abortion views by gender, age and other demographic variables in upcoming reports so that should be interesting to see.

So we see some good news, but there is still much work to do.

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