
Newt Gingrich in a video sent to supporters said that he would be officially suspending his campaign on Wednesday.  Different sources within the campaign state that it is expected to endorse Romney.  Last week in a speech in North Carolina he conceded that Romney is the nominee.  Gingrich said, “It’s clear Romney is the nominee and the focus should be on defeating Obama. We should not focus on defeating ourselves.”  In the video (see below) he said:

Because of your help and your support, we were able to put up a terrific campaign, and I want you to know that Callista and I are both very grateful to everybody across the country.  I want you to know that we’re going to continue out there on the road. Both Callista and I will be talking, campaigning, making speeches, doing everything we can to help defeat Barack Obama.

You can watch the video here:

Additionally Rick Santorum is set to have a sit-down meeting with Mitt Romney for a private meeting on Friday, and one

issue won’t be on the table – Santorum’s campaign debt.

As CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger reported last week, an immediate endorsement of Romney by his one-time rival is not expected at this meeting. Santorum wants assurances from Romney and his associates they are committed to the conservative principles important to him and that session will be part of a process.

"I am sure endorsement will be discussed at this meeting," Brabender said (Santorum strategist). "The Senator is very clear if he does endorse it will be done for the right reasons, not the wrong reasons." He mentioned other campaigns have asked for some help with retiring their debt.

Politico points out that the Romney Attack Dog, the Restore Our Future Super PAC has already scrubbing the attack ads run against Gingrich and Santorum (HT: Lisa Graas)

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