Sarah-SteelmanWashington, DC ─ Today the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund, a national pro-life political action committee, announced its endorsement of Sarah Steelman for U.S. Senate in Missouri.

“There could not be a more clear contrast between an authentic advocate for women like Sarah Steelman and EMILY’s List darling Senator Claire McCaskill,” said Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “Having voted for everything from Obamacare to taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, Senator McCaskill has failed miserably at representing the best interests of women.”

“Missouri women and families are hungry for a pro-life leader like Sarah Steelman,” continued Dannenfelser. “The SBA List Candidate Fund is proud to endorse her and we look forward to adding another pro-life woman to the U.S. Senate.”

Sarah Steelman represented Missouri’s 16th District as a state senator from 1998 until 2004. During her time in the state senate, Steelman had a 100 percent pro-life voting record and helped overturn former Governor Mel Carnahan’s veto of the Infant Protection Act. From 2004 to 2008, Steelman served as Missouri’s State Treasurer where she was responsible for more than $19 billion in annual revenue.

Since her election in 2007, Senator Claire McCaskill has voted against every pro-life bill in the U.S. Senate, earning a 0 percent rating with the National Right to Life Committee. Senator McCaskill has been endorsed by EMILY’s List.

Sarah Steelman will face Congressman Todd Akin (MO-02) and John Brunner in the Republican primary on August 7.

During the 2010 election cycle, SBA List spent $11 million and was involved in 90 races, 62 of which resulted in victories. Successes included: defeating 15 of 20 so-called “pro-life” Democrats who voted for abortion funding in the health care reform bill, increasing the number of pro-life women in the House by 70 percent, filling the void of pro-life women in the U.S. Senate and increasing the number of pro-life women governors from one to four.

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