
Update: Be sure to also see the second video showing Organizing for America workers assisting with voter fraud below.

Is Organizing for America enabling Obama supporters to vote twice (or more)?  James O’Keefe dropped a video today that shows Project Veritas’ undercover reporters asking OFA (Organizing for America – President Obama’s grassroots arm of his reelection campaign) for advice on double voting.

The first Organizing for America staffer approached in the video is Stephanie Caballero.  She is the regional field director at the Houston OFA Headquarters.

Here is a partial transcript of the edited video:

Reporter: And there’s no way they’d be able to cross reference the ballots?
Obama Campaign: If you voted twice?
Reporter: Yeah.
Obama Campaign: I don’t know this. That’s not my expertise.
Reporter: Yea I don’t want to get in any trouble but like I said if no one’s gonna know
Reporter: I don’t have a problem with it.
Reporter: Yea, so anyway – But –
Obama Campaign: Oh my God this is so funny. It’s cool though!
Reporter: But I was gonna see as far as all the registering for Florida –
Obama Campaign: Mhm
Reporter: Where do I get the forms to do that?
Reporter: Or not registering but voting in Florida for the absentee –
Obama Campaign: So what you’ll have to do is you’re going to call in to Florida.
Reporter: Okay.
Obama Campaign: And call – Let me see.
Obama Campaign: Are you going to do what I think you are going to do?
Reporter: Well I mean if no one’s gonna know –
Obama Campaign: Laughter
Obama Campaign: You’re so hilarious!
Obama Campaign: Come up with like – If anyone checks say “I don’t know”

I don’t really care for how much the video was edited, but even so it is pretty apparent this voter was getting assistance and encouragement to break the law.  In the transcript of the raw video (see below) Ms. Caballero did say, “I would just do Florida” a couple of different times, but went ahead and provided assistance to the undercover reporter to vote twice.

The video then shows undercover reporters then going to different Organizing for America voter registration tables around Connecticut, New York and New Jersey where they received assistance after expressing their intent to vote twice.

In a conference call hosted by the Franklin Center’s site these specific violations were cited:

Federally, 42 USC § 1973gg is the strongest as it penalizes attempts to deprive residents of a fair election through false voter registration forms.  42 USC 1973i(c) is your other strong bet.  There are more (like the antiquated 18 USC 597), but these 1973gg and 1973i(c) are your strongest federal options.

Remember, policing election integrity occurs first at the state level, then goes up to the federal level.  Under Texas law, pay attention to Section 273.001 of the Texas Election Code.  It provides that if two or more registered voters present affidavits alleging criminal conduct in connection with the election to the county prosecutor,  he shall investigate the matter.  If the conduct concerns activities beyond one county, the state attorney general may be properly involved.  And Texas imposes duties upon state registrars to ensure that voter registration forms are complete and true — see Tex. Elec. Code 15.021, 15.112, 15.051(a).  Texas election law also permits voting contests to occur when there is evidence of fraud or mistake in connection with the administration of an election (e.g. registering false voters).  See Tex. Elec. Code 221.003

Here’s the raw video transcript of the visit to the Houston OFA HQ:

Update (3:07 pm): A second video was just released.

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