obama-with-moneyThe AP reported yesterday that President Obama spent more money than he took in during the month of June.  That should come as no surprise to us as he’s been doing the same with our money.  Mitt Romney has outraised him in the past two months and apparently that has the Obama campaign concerned.  AP notes:

June was the second consecutive month in which Romney brought in more money than Obama, finance reports filed Friday show. Romney’s money advantage prompted Obama’s campaign advisers to warn earlier this month that the president could lose the election if the financial disparity continued.

Obama tried to answer the super PACs supporting Romney by spending $38.2 million on television advertising. Romney spent less than a third of that – $10.4 million – on TV time.

It’s all the Super PACs fault, as if Democrats don’t have any super PACs… oh wait.   They blame it on TV ad buys, but AP doesn’t mention that the Obama campaign paid $93K for a half-empty stadium campaign kick-off event in June.  One in which they expected to be overflowing.  Oops.

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