Christie Vilsack at State Fair
Photo by Shane Vander Hart

(AMES) – Today, as our National Debt is set to hit a record $16 trillion, the King for Congress campaign examines Christie Vilsack’s plan to continue down the path of Obama-Pelosi reckless spending.

Christie Vilsack on Debt:

  • Christie Vilsack called a bipartisan Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reigning in Washington’s out-of-control spending a gimmick.”
  • Christie Vilsack has stated she is running to help re-elect Obama and advance his agenda, which has included over$5 trillion in new debt.
  • Christie Vilsack’s first vote in Congress would be to make Nancy Pelosi the Speaker again leading the nation back to the “spend money we don’t have” mentality in Washington.

Rep. Steve King on Debt:

  • Rep. King has long supported a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  • Rep. King is working to pass a cap on federal spending at 18 percent of GDP and require a super-majority vote of Congress for increasing the debt limit.
  • Rep. King has been outspoken about reducing our debt and reigning in out-of-control spending.
  • Rep. King believes a balanced budget creates jobs by giving American businesses the opportunity for profit and the predictability and stability to create jobs, invest in new technology and expand.

King for Congress Campaign Manager Jake Ketzner offered the following comment regarding Vilsack’s plan to continue down the Obama-Pelosi path of massive debt and fiscal irresponsibility:

“Christie Vilsack is running to advance the Obama-Pelosi agenda of massive debt and layers of red tape and bureaucracy,” said Ketzner. “The state of Iowa has a law requiring a balanced budget. Christie Vilsack is simply wrong; the law is far from ‘a gimmick.’ With Iowa’s fiscal house in order and a budget in balance, business is given the predictability needed to reinvest profit in a larger and better compensated workforce.”

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