2013Continuing my tradition of sharing my not so serious list of top 10 predictions for the coming year, I thought I’d share with you my top 10 predictions for 2013.  Looking back a year ago I can see I was right on a couple which is amazing considering I just wing these.  I know that surprises you.

Here’s my list for 2013.

  1. When soon-to-be former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is scheduled to testify on Benghazi she will cancel due to a really, really bad sinus headache.
  2. Incoming Secretary of State John Kerry’s first official trip will be to Lancelin, Western Australia in order to windsurf in January.
  3. The Chicago Cubs will not win the World Series.
  4. Soon-to-be-former Dallas Cowboys QB, Tony Romo, will actually find a way to play well during an important game.
  5. People will still miraculously care what the Kardashians are doing.  I know, I don’t get it either.
  6. Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty will be on the cover of GQ (might as well go 0-2 on this one).
  7. Texas’ 14th Congressional District will have a Representative who will actually vote “yea” on occasion.
  8. President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner will have a post-fiscal cliff beer summit where they will find agreement on the White House’s latest home brew.
  9. Ben Bernanke will suggest QE5 in order to achieve his goal of making our dollar become worth less than toilet paper.
  10. In the Iowa Senate Gronstalling will continue.

Share your predictions for 2013 in the comments section.  I hope you have a safe and happy New Year!

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