david-shedlockLast week I provided an update on our Facebook page about long-time contributor David Shedlock’s recent health concerns.  I felt like I should post on Caffeinated Thoughts as well.

David was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday.  He has suffered a stroke which has impacted the left side of his body.  He has very limited strength in his left arm and leg.  He has shown limited improvement thus far.  We would appreciate prayer for David.

Please pray:

  • For wisdom for the doctors and nurses who work with him so that he is able to get the best treatment possible.
  • Pray for his rehabilitation, pray that he would regain strength in his left arm and leg.
  • Pray that God would give him and his family comfort, strength and rest.
  • Pray for wisdom for decisions that need to be made about his rehabilitative care.
  • Pray that God would bring healing.
  • Pray that God would be glorified through this and that those who are around David who do not yet know Christ would be drawn to Him.
  • Pray that David would remain encouraged.  Last update I received on this, “He is listening to sermons and holding fast to Christ.”

Thanks!  We would appreciate messages of encouragement in the comments below.  Also we’ll post any updates from friends and family members in the comments section below as well.

Update: I was just sent this update on Facebook.

There were a number of folks from the congregation, as well as family members, that went to visit David and Judy today. He was in very good spirits, laughing and joking as he typically does. That was very encouraging. There was, however, no marked improvement with regard to strength on either the left or right side. While he can easily move the right leg, the strength isn’t sufficient to bear his weight, so it takes 3-4 staff members to transfer him from bed to chair. He can move the left arm from his side to his chest area with intense effort. He can also squeeze with the left hand. Please continue to pray for those broken circuits between the brain and limbs to be healed. Another MRI is scheduled for tomorrow. I will let you know when we hear something, probably late tomorrow. Please also pray that both David and Judy would get some good sleep tonight. They are both quite exhausted.

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