plannedparenthoodDes Moines, Iowa–Planned Parenthood of the Heartland just announced that they will be closing TWO MORE Iowa locations. Spencer and Fort Madison will see the Iowa abortion giant leave their towns on March 15, 2013.

Last March, Planned Parenthood closed their abortion clinics in Storm Lake and Knoxville. Then, mere months later in July 2012, they closed their abortion clinics in Newton and the Family Practice Center on Army Post Road in Des Moines. That is SIX Iowa closings in a single year’s time!

In March 2012, we predicted that more Planned Parenthood abortion clinics would likely close. (See page 4 of the IRTL News here.)

In her recent message announcing the closures, Jill June CEO stated, “Planned Parenthood of the Heartland delivers high-quality health care services with very limited public funding…” Very limited public funding?

“Planned Parenthood of the Heartland collected $2.6 million in government grants paid for by our tax dollars in their fiscal year ending in June 2012. (That number DOES NOT include their Medicaid income – which, last time they reported it, in Fiscal Year June 2008, was $4.7 million.)  They also had another $6.9 million in public support in Fiscal Year 2012,” noted Jenifer Bowen, Executive Director of Iowa Right to Life.

Additionally, Ms. June stated that, “With the Affordable Care Act (ACA) transforming the health care industry, it’s imperative that we continue to develop operating models that will best position Planned Parenthood as a provider the people in our communities rely on.” Further, she said, “Sacrifices must be made in order to invest our resources where we can make the biggest difference.”

Sacrifices? In the fiscal year ending in December 2010, Jill June’s annual salary had burgeoned to $265,389. (This was a 45% increase over the previous two years.) Is this Ms. June’s idea of sacrificing?

“It would be ironic if Planned Parenthood fought so hard for Obamacare and the publicly funded birth control mandate and had to lay off or cut the hours of their own staff to keep from paying the additional benefits required by Obamacare,” stated Bowen.

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