State Senator Sinclair with Dallas County Supervisor Kim Chapman

Serving as a Wayne County Supervisor for six years, I learned that the decisions we made at the board table played a significant role in the lives of our neighbors, family and friends. Our county elected officials are the boots on the ground for all Iowans concerning government. It was through that experience I learned the value of listening to constituents, and being their voice to make a difference.

Your voice is very important to me. I believe that a government closer to those it serves is more responsive and more efficient.

This week was County Day on the Hill. It was great reconnecting with many of my former county elected officials from Senate District 14 and across Iowa. We discussed many of the challenges our local governments face. As Ranking Member of the Senate Local Government Committee, I wanted to hear from as many of the county officials from the state as I possibly could. They shared their concerns about property tax reform, infrastructure needs and achieving as many of their priorities as possible with limited funds.

It was through these conversations I heard a common message from the county officials. They want the state legislature to ease the burden of unfunded mandates. And, I couldn’t agree more.

Unfunded mandates are laws passed by the state with the expectation the local government shall pay for the cost of implementation. In other words, property owners – YOU – are responsible for footing the bill. I will work hard to make sure that laws passed by your legislature are relevant and pay attention to the needs of each citizen with an eye on the unintended fiscal consequences.

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