“No American should be forced to pay union dues just to get or keep a job,” said King.”Today, states around the country are fighting to opt-out of the federal government’s misguided ‘forced dues’ labor law, which forces workers who want nothing to do with a union to pay union dues just to keep their jobs. Congress created this problem in the first place, and it is Congress’s job to fix it.
Americans are voting with their feet and their wallet, as Right to Work states have consistently gained in population, economic growth, and job creation relative to forced dues states. Passing the Right to Work Act would be a boon to our economy, and it would rightfully restore workplace freedom as the default labor law of this country.”
Mark Mix, the President of the National Right to Work Committee, said the following about King’s bill:”We’re extremely pleased that Congressman King has introduced the National Right to Work Act, intensifying a growing debate about labor law and worker freedom in our country. This legislation would enshrine the common-sense principle – already enforced in nearly half of U.S. states – that no worker should be compelled to join or pay dues to a union just to get or keep a job. A National Right to Work Act enshrines worker freedom while providing significant economic benefits for workers. The National Right to Work Committee is mobilizing its 2.8 million members to call on their Congressperson to support the National Right to Work Act.”
Full List of Original Cosponsors (57):
- Bachmann, Michele
- Bachus, Spencer
- Barr, Andy
- Barton, Joe
- Black, Diane
- Bonner, Jo
- Boustany, Charles
- Brady, Kevin
- Broun, Paul
- Bucshon, Larry
- Chabot, Steve
- Cole, Tom
- Cotton, Tom
- Cramer, Kevin
- Crawford, Rick
- Duncan, Jeff (SC)
- Duncan, John (TN)
- Fincher, Stephen
- Fleming, John
- Foxx, Virginia
- Gardner, Cory
- Gingrey, Phil
- Gohmert, Louie
- Goodlatte, Bob
- Gosar, Paul
- Graves, Tom
- Griffin, Tim
- Griffith, Morgan
- Harper, Greg
- Harris, Andy
- Huelskamp, Tim
- Huizenga, Bill
- Jenkins, Lynn
- Jordan, Jim
- LaMalfa, Doug
- Lamborn, Doug
- Long, Billy
- Lummis, Cynthia
- McClintock, Tom
- Meadows, Mark
- Mulvaney, Mick
- Nugent, Richard
- Nunnelee, Alan
- Palazzo, Steve
- Perry, Scott
- Pittenger, Robert
- Poe, Ted
- Roe, Phil
- Ross, Denis
- Salmon, Matt
- Scalise, Steve
- Schweikert, David
- Stockman, Steve
- Walberg, Tim
- Westmoreland, Lynn
- Wilson, Joe
- Yoho, Ted
Photo Credit: Victoria Pickering via Flickr (CC-By-NC-ND 3.0)