Bob_Vander_Plaats_Profile_PicUrbandale, Iowa — At a late morning press conference, Bob Vander Plaats, president of the pro-family group “The FAMiLY LEADER, called on the Iowa Senate to “right” their “wrong.” In breaking his public silence on Robert Cramer’s nomination to the Iowa Board of Regents, Vander Plaats encouraged the Senators to “do what’s right and confirm Robert in a re-vote.”

Vander Plaats expressed high praise for Cramer’s leadership of his family as he stated, “Robert Cramer is a man of exceptional character. He reflects the “gold standard” for marriage and family as he has been a faithful husband and father for twenty-five years.”

Continuing his remarks on Cramer’s exceptional character, Vander Plaats exclaimed, “He has extended the reach and impact of his family by being an oasis for several foster children. In addition, Robert leads with a “servant’s heart” investing in many community and international missions. One of his focuses in his philanthropic missions is reaching out to the remote regions of South Africa, fueling the assistance to those who are in need of basic care and who are struggling with the devastations of HIV/AIDS.”

Vander Plaats noted that he is not alone in encouraging the confirmation of Cramer. In addition to Governor Branstad who appointed Cramer, The Des Moines Register and the Association of General Contractors and many others who know Robert and have experienced his leadership character and competency, have all advocated for Cramer’s confirmation. “Robert’s peers view him as the crème of the crop when it comes to the needed leadership traits to serve,” Vander Plaats expressed.

In conclusion, Vander Plaats said, “Cramer’s rejection by the Iowa Senate based on his core beliefs should send a chilling message to all Iowans. Tossing aside a person like Robert Cramer who has the utmost integrity and leadership competency for his core beliefs is a disturbing path Iowans do not want to travel.”

“Although it would atypical and highly unusual, It would be a breath of fresh air for the Senators to join with Governor Branstad to identify a remedy that ensures Robert’s service. To do this would be a great example of leadership for Iowans. It’s never too late to do what’s right.”

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