(July 15, 2013, Sioux City, IA)– In 2005, then Minority Leader Senator Harry Reid said: “For 200 years, we’ve had the right to extended debate. It’s within the vision of the Founding Fathers…They established a government so that no one person – and no single party – could have total control.” Fast forward to today; Majority Leader Harry Reid is trying to change the rules in order to circumvent the rights of the minority as envisioned by our Founders.
In reaction to Senator Reid’s efforts, Sam Clovis, Republican candidate for US Senate, released the following statement:
“The Framers of our Constitution envisioned a limited government with a clear separation of powers and a distinct set of checks and balances. What Senator Reid and his supporters like Congressman Braley are advocating is to circumvent our Founder’s vision and change the game to suit their needs. Unfortunately, this is an all too prevalent mindset in Washington that must be changed.”
Photo credit: Talk Radio News Service (CC-By-NC-SA 2.0)