united_nations_buildingOn Sunday The Hill reported that the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) will be resurrected. Whether the Senate Foreign Relations Committee holds hearings next week, later in July, or sometime in September, we believe The Hill is correct about this. Since we do not know the time frame, though, we need to be prepared right now.

Your calls to senators after we heard that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was planning a June 4 hearing on the treaty resulted in the hearing being postponed.The longer the treaty is delayed, the more we are able to expose the dangers it poses to parental rights, educational freedom, and our nation’s sovereignty. This treaty would restrict the ability of the U.S. to adopt policies that protect people with disabilities because it surrenders this power to unaccountable (and many times corrupt) bureaucrats at the United Nations. (One egregious example of UN corruption involves a recent attempt to honor accused tyrant Robert Mugabe as a ‘leader for tourism’.)

Action Items

The U.S. Senate is on recess this week in honor of Independence Day. We urge you to take your friends and family and visit your senators at their district offices. Please also call their Washington, D.C. offices and give them this simple message:

“I urge you to oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This treaty surrenders U.S. sovereignty to unelected UN bureaucrats and will threaten parental care of children with disabilities. Our nation already has laws to protect Americans with disabilities. This treaty is unnecessary and will hurt families by giving bureaucrats, not the child’s parents, the power to decide what is in the best interests of a child with disabilities.”

Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. To find the specific phone numbers, webpages, or other contact information for your two U.S. senators visit ParentalRights.org/States and select your state (on the map or in the sidebar). To find out more about the CRPD or print out materials for your visit with your senators, please visit ParentalRights.org/CRPD.

It is likely that the staff who answer the phones or who meet with you will tell you that they haven’t heard about the treaty coming back. Politely tell them that while you know there is no scheduled hearing date, you want to make sure that if and when the treaty is brought back your senators know that citizens across this nation staunchly oppose ceding any authority to the United Nations.

Finally, use any or all of the online contact methods mentioned in Tuesday’s newsletter to contact your senators or to urge your friendsto stand with us in opposing this dangerous treaty.

Thank you for joining us in this battle to protect our children and our children’s future. You defeated this treaty last year. You’ve delayed it so far this year.Standing together, we can defeat this treaty once again.

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