Kent Sorenson

The Iowa Republican last week provided documentation in the form of emails, letter and recorded messages in a series of posts that provided compelling evidence that State Senator Kent Sorenson (R-Indianola) received payment from the Ron Paul campaign which is a violation of Iowa Senate rules. This further soils what I deemed to be inexcusable behavior when he left the Bachmann campaign to endorse Ron Paul just days before the Iowa Caucus.

Even worse in The Iowa Republican documentation was an admission from Sorenson that he stole the Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators list and he was willing to use it to secure a paid role within the Paul campaign. Sorenson is still under investigation.

I am disappointed by these this turn of events having been supportive of his initial run for the Iowa House and his run for the Iowa Senate, and because like me he is a homeschooling dad and a Christ-follower. I’m frustrated that he has become a distraction for issues he advocated for. It is a shame that a once promising legislator has rendered himself ineffective in the Iowa Senate. Most of all it saddens me that his Christian witness has been tarnished.

I believe elected officials, especially those who claim to follow Christ, should be held to a high standard in their conduct. In my opinion Sorenson has fallen short and it is time for him to resign.

Photo Credit: Dave Davidson –

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